15 research outputs found

    Mobile Cranes Models Review

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    Práce se zabývá mobilními jeřáby s nosností nad 50 t. V úvodu jsou popsány základní pojmy týkající se těchto strojů. Dále následuje obecné rozdělení jeřábů. Tato práce se zaměřuje na stručný popis kolových a pásových mobilních jeřábů. Je zde popsána podvozková část kolového jeřábu a podvozková část pásového jeřábu s jejich základními prvky. Poté je nastíněna konstrukce horní otočné části pro kolový i pásový podvozek mobilního jeřábu. V přehledu jsou uvedeni současní světoví výrobci i společnosti, které již tyto stroje neprodukují. Následují přehledné informace o firmách - Grove, Liebherr, Manitowoc, Tadano, Terex-Demag a ČKD. Společnost Grove zde má podrobněji uvedeny zajímavé systémy, které používá u svých výrobků. Na konci této práce jsou uvedeny tabulkové přehledy s mobilními jeřáby jednotlivých značek na kolovém podvozku s nosností nad 50 t a souhrnná tabulka s výrobci pásových mobilních jeřábů s nosností nad 50 t.The thesis deals with mobile cranes with a lifting capacity of 50 tonnes. The introduction describes the basic concepts related to these machines. Followed by a general cranes overview. This thesis focuses on a brief description of wheeled and tracked mobile cranes. It describes the undercarriage of the wheeled cranes and undercarriage of the tracked crane and crawler crane with it’s basic elements. After that is described the structure of the upper rotating wheel and track mobile truck crane. In the overview are specified the current global producers and companies that already do not produce these machines. Follows the short overview about companies - Grove, Liebherr, Manitowoc, Tadano, Terex-Demag and CKD. In the next part are written more details about company Grove interesting systems which are used in theirs products. At the end of this work are given a table showing the mobile crane on a brand-wheeled chassis with a capacity of over 50 the summary table with belt manufacturers of mobile cranes with a lifting capacity exceeding 50 tonnes.

    Formula Car Frame Alternative Design

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    The diploma work focuses on the proposal of formula car support frame type alternative designed for international students´ competition Formula Student. As a first is this competition shortly described. Following basic information about possible support frame in competition, the rules description for the frame from thin-walled profiles as well as for composite structure. As the other are shown the most used material types by the tube frames. Continues the practical (design) part of the work. The work continues in construction/design part. Here are mentioned the requirements for the frame creating, calculation of each torsion strength and construction proposal including creating the analysis model. In the final part is realize the simulation in FEM program and simply described the alternative proposal together with the evaluation

    Formula Car Frame Alternative Design

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    V následujícím textu se tato práce zaměřuje na návrh alternativy rámu vozu formulového typu určený pro mezinárodní studentskou soutěž Formule Student. Nejprve je tato soutěž stručně přiblížena. Následují základní informace o možných variantách rámu v soutěži, nastínění pravidel pro rámy z tenkostěnných profilů, ale i pro kompozitové struktury. Jako další jsou zmíněné nejpoužívanější typy materiálů u trubkových rámů. Pak práce přechází v konstrukční část. V ní jsou zmíněné požadavky na tvorbu rámu, postup výpočtu jednotlivých torzních tuhostí a samotný návrh konstrukce včetně vytvořeného výpočtového modelu. V závěrečné části je provedena simulace v MKP programu a stručně popsána varianta návrhu i s jejím zhodnocením.The diploma work focuses on the proposal of formula car support frame type alternative designed for international students´ competition Formula Student. As a first is this competition shortly described. Following basic information about possible support frame in competition, the rules description for the frame from thin-walled profiles as well as for composite structure. As the other are shown the most used material types by the tube frames. Continues the practical (design) part of the work. The work continues in construction/design part. Here are mentioned the requirements for the frame creating, calculation of each torsion strength and construction proposal including creating the analysis model. In the final part is realize the simulation in FEM program and simply described the alternative proposal together with the evaluation.

    The symbiotic playground of lichen thalli - a highly flexible photobiont association in rock-inhabiting lichens

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    The development of characteristic thallus structures in lichen-forming fungi requires the association with suitable photoautotrophic partners. Previous work suggests that fungi have a specific range of compatible photobionts and that selected algal strains are also correlated with the habitat conditions. We selected the rock-inhabiting crust lichen Protoparmeliopsis muralis, which exhibits high flexibility in algal associations. We present a geographically extended and detailed analysis of algal association patterns including thalli which host superficial algal colonies. We sampled 17 localities in Europe, and investigated the photobiont genotypic diversity within and between thalli and compared the diversity of intrathalline photobionts and externally associate algal communities between washed and unwashed thalli by single-strand conformation polymorphism analyses and ITS sequence data. The results show that (1) photobiont population within the lichen thalli is homogeneous; (2) multiple photobiont genotypes occur within single areoles and lobes of individual lichens; and (3) algal communities which superficially colonize the lichen thalli host taxa known as photobionts in unrelated lichens. Photobiont association patterns are extremely flexible in this ecologically versatile crust-forming lichen. We suggest that lichen surfaces represent a potential temporary niche for free-living stages of lichen photobionts, which could facilitate the establishment of further lichens in the proximal area